List of all of my projects
Barisko is a multipurpose Discord bot that I've created as a side project and after some time I decided to release it to the public with a fully fledged dashboard! So, what does it actually do? A lot to be fair. There's no point in trying to explain it all here. Add Barisko to your server, give it a shot.
Calculator++An All-in-One Calculator which offers you everything your heart desires. Ranging from regular old math to unit converters and finance calculator. Pretty neat? What does it do? Designed with simplicity in mind, it helps you solve everyday problems.
CommieSortA simple yet effective sorting algorithm. Predecessor to StalinSort. How it works: Assume the first member is in order. Head to the next member larger than the previous one. Eliminate every member which is not in order. Simple
FreeMock APIThis RESTful Mock API is completely free, requires no configuring and no registration. Not to mention, a hard coded request rate limiter is not present.
interviewerA simple CLI prompting crate for Rust
PKGBUILDPKGBUILDs of AUR packages I maintain
RedGIFs DownloaderHow many times have you wanted to download videos in bulk from RedGIFs. Downloading videos from your favourite user and any search term has never been easier! Just follow the steps below and make sure to use filters to enhance your experience.
SafeLinkSafeLink is an open-source persistent link sharing service. Operates on the same principle as SafePaste. Links are preserved forever!
SafePasteSafePaste is an open-source service similar to Pastebin where you are able to store any piece of text and generate links for easy cross platform sharing. Data is preserved forever!
Linux SetupCollection of my Linux related repositories.
targeterCleanup tool for Rust (Cargo) projects. Remove target directories easily
WallPastePaste multiple images onto a background
yokuMarkdown based tui todo