Default command prefixes are "b!" and "!"
Barisko is a multipurpose Discord bot that I've created as a side project and after some time I decided to release it to the public with a fully fledged dashboard! So, what does it actually do? A lot to be fair. There's no point in trying to explain it all here. Add Barisko to your server, give it a shot.
autoplay | ap
Toggle autoplay on/off
filter | f
Change the current playback filter
filter [filter_name] | filter 3d
List all filters
loop | repeat
Change between repeat settings
loop <loop_type> | loop song | loop 2
Pause music playback
play | p
Play the selected query
play <query> | play winds of change
queue | q
Show the current queue
seek | goto
Go to a specific timestamp in seconds
seek <number> | seek 25
skip | s
Skip the current track in the music/clip queue
Stop the current music queue
unpause | resume
Resume music playback
volume | v
Change the apparent volume
volume <number> | volume 75